Laserterapi og børns ører

Børn og unge med øreproblemer reagerer hurtigt og effektivt på bestråling af deres overanstrengte indre øreorganer med vores Dr. Wilden Home Ear Laser.

Gem dine børns ører

Børn og teenagere nyder og elsker den behagelige og beroligende effektivitet af deres Dr. Wilden Ear Laser.

Meget hurtigt og overraskende oplever de høreforbedringer på tværs af alle frekvenser. Disse indledende forbedringer kan måles og dokumenteres med en kontrolaudiometri efter kun 4 – 6 ugers hjemmeterapi.

Jeg anbefaler kraftigt, at alle forældre bruger deres barns Dr. Wilden Home Laser parallelt med deres berørte barn.

Det handler om den biostimulative effektivitet af vores Dr. Wilden Ear Laser til din indre øre terapi, som kan evalueres og bruges af dig selv og dit barn.

Det er en vidunderlig oplevelse sammen med dit barn at være vidne til laserens forbedringer. Førstehåndserfaring er den mest ærlige måde at indse den positive effektivitet af vores Dr. Wilden Ear Laser.

For barnet er denne oplevelse meget lindrende, da den tager "bevisbyrden" fra hans eller hendes små skuldre. Ved at bruge vores Dr. Wilden hjemmelaser, vil du redde dit barn fra at blive endnu et offer for ørets globale officielle monopol, betalt dyrt af sygeforsikringsselskaber.

Save your ears!

Save your ears!

All the information you need to know about your ears.

Children with Lasertherapie

Skånsom terapi for børns ører

Flere og flere børn lider under stigende "akustisk forurening". Støj gør studiekoncentration vanskelig.

Fotobiomodulering er smertefri og fri for bivirkninger og kan derfor uden problemer anvendes ikke kun hos voksne, men også hos børn.

Ifølge en undersøgelse fra det hessiske undervisningsministerium i Tyskland lider 28 % af alle børn og unge mellem 5 og 18 år allerede af høreforstyrrelser. Ekstrapoleret til Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland betyder det: Langt over 500.000 børn har hørelidelser, der kræver behandling. Hovedårsagen til denne udvikling: STØJ

Lydniveauer i store klasselokaler, gymnastiksale eller pauserum kan nå op på 90 til 120 decibel. Støjniveaumålinger i børnehavegrupper viste værdier mellem 80 dB under leg og 120 dB under mere aktive aktiviteter. Der blev også målt støjniveauer op til 87 dB i normale klasselokaler.


In the adult world, in industrial workplaces, noise protection is mandatory from 80 dB. The consequences of continuous noise are: Even students with only a slight hearing loss already have lower grades in math and languages.

The authors of the study claim: “Noise pollution has increased significantly in recent years. Minimizing noise pollution in daily life is therefore urgently needed. Education and prevention of noise exposure and its harms would have to become the primary goals of health-conscious pedagogy.

Lutz Wilden, MD, comments: We are glad that this data and the resulting conclusions are being discussed publicly. This is entirely in line with our long-standing work on prophylaxis, therapy and self-help for hearing impairment.

The hearing organs no longer have a chance to regenerate in an environment dominated by noise. Although hearing cells, like other nerve cells, cannot renew themselves by cell division, this is precisely why they are naturally endowed with a strong individual regenerative power,” says Dr. Wilden. He personally recommends:

If you shield your hearing with earplugs for several hours, you will notice that you perceive ambient noise more clearly afterwards – in other words, you hear better.

Dr.Wilden also advocates the increased use of laser light in therapy. Since the 1960s, scientists worldwide have been researching the effects of laser light on body cells. Laser therapists believe that targeted laser light triggers increased energy production in the mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell, which allows the cell to significantly increase its own regeneration. In Dr. Wilden’s experience, this process can not only promote improvements in hearing, but also help with hearing loss, balance disorders and tinnitus. In conventional medicine in Germany, however, this complementary treatment method is still controversially discussed.

The supporters of the therapy refer however to numerous patient reports and many scientific publications, according to which with the laser treatment, conventionally treated patients could be helped considerably. Laser therapy can additionally stimulate the auditory cells to regenerate themselves, Dr. Wilden says. Many years of practice have shown that with just a few sessions with the painless laser therapy method, which has no side effects, it can improve hearing by 20% or more.

Therefore, the procedure can be used for children without any problems. Dr. Wilden therefore appeals to parents: If your child has been diagnosed, or is in the process of being diagnosed, with a hearing disorder, the gentle and highly effective laser procedure should also be considered before choosing a therapy, especially for children.

Dr. Wilden recommends: All parents should use our Dr. Wilden Home Ear Laser, in parallel with their child.


Et audiogram viser resultaterne af en høretest. Den viser, hvor høje lyde skal være, for at du kan høre dem. Resultaterne rapporteres i forhold til hyppighed. Hvis minimumstærsklerne ikke overholdes, opdages høretab.

Audiogram with hearing loss
1. This audiogram shows the inner ear situation of a 5-year-old girl before therapy. She was prescribed hearing aids for both ears. 2. Hearing improvement after 3 therapies


1. Dette audiogram viser en 5-årig piges indre øre situation før terapi. Hun fik ordineret høreapparater til begge ører.

2. Forbedring af hørelsen efter 3 behandlinger


3. Denne høreforbedring efter 5 behandlinger viser, at høreevnen er forbedret dramatisk.

Barnet har ikke længere behov for høreapparater.

3. This hearing improvement after 5 therapies shows that the hearing ability has improved dramatically. The child no longer needs hearing aids.